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Why making emotional decisions in divorce can hurt you

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2024 | Divorce |

Divorce is undeniably challenging, especially when emotions run high. In California, where divorce laws are unique, making decisions based on emotions can have severe consequences.

It is important to approach the situation with as clear a mind as possible.

Financial ramifications

Decisions driven by anger, guilt, resentment, sadness or even happiness may lead to hasty agreements that favor one party over the other. The division of assets and liabilities in California follows community property laws. Emotional choices may result in an uneven distribution that could impact one’s financial stability post-divorce.

Child custody issues

About 19% of San Diego residents are children, and emotions often come into play when determining child custody arrangements. Decisions influenced solely by feelings may not align with the best interests of the child. California family courts prioritize the welfare of the child, and emotional decisions may lead to unfavorable custody outcomes.

Lengthy legal battles

Emotional decisions can contribute to protracted legal battles, further complicating the divorce process. In California, where the legal system aims for efficient resolution, emotional choices may hinder a swift conclusion. Lengthy legal battles not only increase emotional distress but also escalate legal costs, impacting both parties financially.

Communication breakdowns

Emotional decision-making often leads to communication breakdowns between divorcing spouses. Effective communication is important for reaching agreements on issues such as property division and spousal support. Emotional choices can create animosity, hindering the ability to negotiate and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Mental and emotional well-being

Making emotional decisions in a California divorce can take a toll on one’s mental and emotional well-being. The stress of legal proceedings combined with emotionally charged choices can contribute to anxiety and depression.

Emotional decision-making may provide temporary relief but can have lasting negative consequences. By prioritizing clear-headed decision-making, individuals can build a more stable foundation for the future.